Album Review INFERNAL DEATH Call to War

Infernal Death cover art


Punishment 18 Records

Don’t confuse this Danish entity with other five that share the same name. This is supposed to be one of the oldest death metal bands from that area and features members from Deadflesh, Saturnus, Dominus, etc . What I have here is the return of the band after more than 20 years.

You may suppose these guys are trying to get into modern metal after all that time, but absolutely not! This is absolutely rotten and stinky death metal forged in solid rhythm sections and a tremendous vocalist growling like possessed. All tracks deliver a cold breath and remind me a lot old bands based in the north of Europe, but I must admit that these guys forged an own sound by creating complex structures in holocaustic sections, and sprinkles of thrash metal in specific moments. This sounds direct to the bone but it has high octane compositions. As aforementioned, vocalist Thomas Pedersen has solid knowledge of ancient death metal and his throat really left traces of flesh and blood in the microphone. It’s a good piece of rusted metal for these beasts. In my first encounter with them I really dig the entire album. It’s highly recommended!! – Victor Varas

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